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Advocates of Hope

Eswatini, Africa

A God given dream

God gave us a dream to see the young people of our communities living their dreams. We know if the heart is healed and good morals are instilled we can break the cycle of HIV/AIDS, joblessness, poverty, and vulnerability.

Since 2009, AOH has been hugely influential in the Swaziland community offering an avenue for young men and women to be transformed by the Gospel of Jesus and focus on becoming responsible citizens.


Our Vision


To have responsible, innovative, and successful citizens who pursue their God given dream.


Our Mission


Developing character traits that honor God, serve people, and empower self through facilitation, mentorship, and outreaches.


"As we grew up with all the hardships we faced and seeing people with great potential ending so badly in life, we prayed to God to show us the heart of the problem.


God clearly showed us that the heart of the problem is the heart."

- Celimplio & Tamara Vilane
AOH Founders

What we do​


Founded in 2013, Advocates of Hope is a Christian based program that focused on young people’s character formation. Inspired by life experience and the pain caused by divorce, HIV/AIDS, and poverty, we are training a generation of leaders who will lead with integrity and following the Lord through our Discipleship Training School.


We hope to bring the best out of young people’s lives through discipleship – developing Godly leaders by nurturing the emotional and spiritual maturity of young adults and training them to be servant leaders.


AOH programs and areas of focus:

  • Mentorship

  • Leadership Programs

  • Income-generating innovation projects

  • Compassion Ministry


Our 8-month full immersion training program takes students through three stages: Discover, Develop, and Live Your Dream. Upon graduating, our students receive certificates that open doors for them to continue pursuing their God-given dreams.


Eswatini, Africa​


Officially named the Kingdom of Eswatini we are formerly and still commonly known in English as Swaziland.

The Swazi population faces a wide-spread major health issue: HIV/AIDS. It is estimated that staggering 26% of the adult population is HIV-positive. Additionally, the population of Eswatini is young, with, as of 2018, an average age of 22 years and people aged 14 years or younger constituting 35% of the country's total population.


With one of the lowest life expectancy rates in the world of 58 years of age, the need for hope and the love of Christ is visible where ever you go.

Image by Seth Doyle

Make a difference

Your support makes a world of difference to us. Please join us through prayer or consider donating today.


Dreams can come to life, talents can be discovered and innovativeness can be on another level.

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© 2021 Advocates of Hope, a partner of The James One 27 Initiative

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